Each word has it own history, so the does the word Division has, 1374, from O.Fr. division, from L. divisionem (nom. divisio), from divid-, stem of dividere (see divide). Military sense is first recorded 1597. Mathematical sense is from c.1425. The mathematical division sign supposedly was invented by British mathematician John Pell (1611-85) who taught at Cambridge and Amsterdam. Divisive "producing discord" is from 1642.
But this word has take several reforms and changes in it. I feel that way it has cause serious changes during the past life cycle. Human's have used these words more often, when i say that more often, it means that this has caused more damage to our society.
When division used with racism, will cause emotions out burst. In the western country there was such a situation being faced, which have brought certain revolution in the society during 1960's.
But they then realized, it no point in fighting over this point, and as a result we can find some consensus coming over the point.
When i look one more aspect of the figure, religion, i find many religion created a sub classifications in them, which were created for some purpose, as far i can think it was a noble cause, some how some where during the course of time someone twisted there meaning and now we are in utter confusion.
Today, in India we have come over this division,not making a clean picture, but we are safe guarding our division process. There is a theory, which says about natural selection, which is applicable to all individual across the world. let me make it more elaborate, when there was division of work doers, in ancient, history was to make our task easy and making all process streamline.Now what we have done, we are not stream lining the things but making more confusion, by providing reservation, it seems that we have not gone to the depth of the problem, it only finding a temporary solution to all the permanent problem.
Now there arise a question that what is permanent problem, ignorance of the natural selection process, if we are looking into the case we are ignoring the problem that a person is not as capable of the working but he is still in that position, a miss use of power and which cause further emotions out burst and therefore other dynamic change is expected in the society is going to be there. My efforts in writing this article is to provide some light over how do we are playing with the word division.
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