Sunday, January 18, 2009

Is that spritual or just my fasination

I am just wondering why I am writing this article, (he he he ), but still i am writing this article. Sometime some ppl strikes u hard and its like how u could have left this which u were doing all these days. Any guess who are these ppl I am talking about.

Sometime there is always words to xpress u r views sometime u r view less when these ppl stike with a correct words, oops u have made into my defense.

I guess some ppl are always rite and some more ppl of these some ppl I was talking are having rite tools always to stike u any time.

When this are rite and things are bad u got to show some strength and strength of nature, what is that i haven't seen it yet.

Many more thoughts are constantly erupting into my Mind then I meet some of those ppl in my life.

Actually was this just talking to a very old frnd of mine, who just struck me that what I was doing earlier and what I am doing today, thats the power of these old frnds who know u so well that u can just hide u r self form them.

We cant hide it but we cannot escape form its thats for sure, life will go on and life will be endless thoughts are there wat matters is the how one take to them when u have got some one that closely who know u

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