Saturday, September 19, 2009

Next challenge

With ecomnomy bottoming out people have started gaining hope that they could be again get in the mode of spending.. many more things are being said, but the worst hit part is that we cannot revive to the extend the damge is which is going to be caused by this era. I am not talking out of finanical recovery but talking about the global pressure which have been on our resources that have cause many resources to be on crunch.

I know many of the people will not understand what I have said, but believe me, over the past few years i have just wondered why we are detoriating to the life which we have never thought. When  we where facing reccession the people need some ways to easy the work pressure, job loss pressure, and family break up issue, there were few industry must have florished during this time like health care( they can never face recession), laywers, counsulers, and the things which brings cheap entertainment like clubs, sex.

In terms that these things will never heal person wounds and therfore it should be estimated that our fight with worst faces of social ressesion is going to get over soo soon, it will take time.

Some more challenges are going to come to us which is going to take most of our time of next decade will be sustainable equiblirm of our life style.

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