Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Respect woman /girls

Hi , Guys
                                                        Respect woman /girls 

This all about the girls / women who are the generator of life.
They are the one who make every one happy by scarifying there happiness .
if  u don't believe see your mother what she did for you ,you will get the answer ,
Here is one video which tell you how much efforts your mother taken to give you birth .

men always need her in every step of life it may be your sister , your mother ,friend ,wife anyone
who is always there for you as a back support of your life like in a game of chess the queen protect the king .

 why we always afraid to give birth a girl child ?
why we don't respect them?
why we make restriction for them ?
why we do support a male child not a female child ?
woman have unique power ;they just want respect and little love ,God made her so strong she always love her children in all circumstances ,even when her child has hurt her very badly ,
if boy is a diamond then girl is a pearl ,
if boy is a soul then girl is a body ,
 she never demand for any big thing she always ready to make scarify  for you ,after marriage she leave every thing what she loved most you know why because she scarify that for there belonging love she left her parents she get hurt but then also she move to take new step of life she  join her life with other and take responsibility  she treated as slave then also she quite because people say that her destiny she got married ,and then after that she got pregnant and then her family tel her we want male child so abort the baby she a girl . why every where women have to scarify why girl baby is a crime .

people think that boy child will help then in a future and girl child will go and  they have to give dowry for her .because of that mentality they kill the girl baby and want boy baby .

                           This clip is taken from the movie matrubhoomi A Nation without woman

beauty of women is not in the cloths she wear,the figure that she carries,or the way she combs her hair
the beauty  of a women be seen in her eyes ,when she want to say but quite because of afraid of the belonging please stop people who hurt and abuse the women or a girl ,change the society change your self and feel there inner beauty .
there are some pics of abort girl child :

they are angels ,love them respect them ,save them 

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