Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lyapunov in my life ....

There is song in the movie Rock ON!!! its an opening songs. where the movie begins ( Aasman Hai Neela kyu Paani Gila kyu ) well this thought of being carefree and thing about the things which have always been a  a legacy of the college life. But life is more about been a practical and handling things which have not been handled.

Now I am back in college I feel I can live the life I did some 3 years back .. but when I try to connect with things though u are not getting connected directly but the region of instability  has been in and around unstable region. This because as per the lyapunov analysis for any stable system it should be dissipative but when I am not loosing my heat I am on hyper state .. then I tend to fall apart .. good know what that mean.

In a way I am in the unstable region tending to stability .. but following and asymptotic path is painful..

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