Thursday, December 15, 2011

Random Day of 2040 ..

2040 Dec 16. At this day, we have more machines than human needed in the planet. Still we are some 10 billion people living across the globe.

8:00 O Clock in the morning, Steve is putting a knot, Michael his wife, who is also an engineer, is making fresh coffee, which is some form of caffeine substitute. Steve an artificial intelligence expert and his wife is biomedical Engineer, they are both are renowned in their field.

"I am afraid " said Steve to his wife. your new species is not going to survive the next round of gamma radiation test. I saw you program to generate the gene form the gene pool, it appears to be that you have not accounted for the XX50 chromosome  in this one. It is high needed for the sustaining into the gamma phase.

Out of 200 nations in the globe 140 have nuclear bomb, so to sustain the gamma rays, a species  needed to have that new antidote for gamma rays, which was developed in early 2020's. Now at this age we are no more afraid of having to do with nuclear  bombing attacks.The previous two world wars of 2016 and 2025 have proved that these antidote are quite effective.

His wife replied, Yeah I did, I wanted to create a life of 2010's, see how did they think, as most of them died in 2016, we don't  much information about them, said Michael. Ooh !! I see, but why do you think you need to find information about them. ??
Michael replied;" Need to understand the evolution process.. "

to be continued ..

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