Monday, April 14, 2014

natural remedies which 100 percent work

Hi , Guys                                             
I am here to share my knowledge which may helpful to you in your life with some natural remedies
                                                                               About fig tree (peepal tree)
What you think why fig tree have heart shape leaves?
Answer is here, is quiet simple to make your heart healthy by the remedy of fig tree(peepal) .you just need to do is take some leaves of fig tree (peepal tree) and boil it for 45 mints and then make it cool .take it every day at least three time if you are suffering from any heart disease or ever  person got heart attack they should take it in every two hours gap in a day .
It work as miracle it’s my personal experience because I’m using it for my mom she is heart patient .Fig (peepal) tree is call the king of the tree because it produce more oxygen than any other tree .
It helps to provide pure oxygen to the heart it open the block veins of the heart which make easy to flow the blood in a proper healthy manner.
                                                                            About Garlic    
It’s about the magical facts about the Garlic.
       ·    Every morning taking a one piece of garlic is decrease the risk of cancer .
·         For a popular cold sore apply a crushed garlic on a area it reduce the swelling, pain and  heel the damage area of a lips .
·         Protect plant with garlic take a garlic, water ,liquid soap, and mineral oil or any other oil .
·         Do massage on your scale it make hair healthy and also help to regrowth it.
                                                              About lipstick
·         Next time when you apply makeup remember one thing lipstick contain chromium and lead which cause cancer.
If you want to test it out check it by a simple tricks like rub a lipstick in a small part of your pam and on it rub any gold ring or any practical of gold and then see the result color of lipstick get change in a black or dark blue color.
It does not mean you stop using lipstick; there are lipsticks with zero lead and chromium They are:
·         AVON ultra-color rich cheery jubilee
·         Revlon super lustrous
·         Revlon super lustrous bed of roses
·         Revlon color stay lip color red velvet
Use this lipsticks and free from harm .

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