Sunday, April 13, 2014

Over come from negative thoughts and depression

Hi ,

GUYS ,,,

The thing which I am going to share with you is so interesting and knowledgeable.

 I  believe that :
Everything is connected with each other

What you think? What is that which create your thought?
Why you respond negative?
Why you feel stress?
All this things are interconnected and create a neural connection.

·         If you think a thought often then your neural connection will increase and it will go strong and strong .

·         As I feel when I am alone or wanted some thing ,any thing we can correlate with it I use to talk about it more and more it make the situation tuff enough .
·         So it all about my thoughts which increase my worries and my tension .
·         Though is that which is connected with your brain and brain is that which is connected with your thoughts .
·         Thoughts  change your mind /brain by stimulating the production of brain chemicals that change the structure and function of your brain .

There are some example of negative thought .. 

·         Blaming others

·         Talking so loud

·         Ignoring others

·         Never felt guilty  for their mistakes

·         Angriness 

All of us do at least once, and that thing which may somewhere create unhappiness to you and the other.
I believe that if you control your feeling and make your way free
Like if we stop thinking one thing again and again which was the cause of stress, it then  decrease the level of stress hormones cortisol.
Remember one thing your fear center causing it grows, so never allow you fear to grow it.
Stop thinking too much and stop blaming reacting too much .it only take you happiness and nothing else.
Make yourself busy and self-satisfied, means don’t demand yourself too much which make you think and think about the topics.

Do meditation, exercise to chill out, do chit chat with friends, enjoy the thinks which you like to do .

It make your mind cool and then we can feel the world with out tension of anything

This world is so beautiful don’t waste your time by talking about worries and tension which is unnecessary

Guys come  on with cheers ………..

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